Friday, February 27, 2009

Careful with that Axe Eugene.......

Sometimes it seems like there are so many things in life to worry about. To wonder, am I doing this right? How do I feel about this? It's times like this that your gut can come into play, but what if my stomach is turning? Then my head gets in the way. It seems like lately, I am wondering too much. I envy life being so simple as a child.

Hanging with my baby brother today, I realized that I really miss that simplicity that life had to offer. The funny thing is, is I remember only wanting to be bigger, when I was little. Now that I am bigger; I just want to be little. There's a certain safety in it. He takes a piece of kiwi and looks at me right before he does it, as if to ask
"Is this ok?"

"Andrew, don't rub that kiwi on the table." He just smiles and we wipe the table....all better......"Don't do it again." No problems, except what to play with next and make sure you put the toys back where they belong. He immediately forgot it and moved on.

It's amazing when you start making your own decisions how quickly gray can enter into the black and white. You begin to realize that things that seemed so easy, without the experience behind them, are actually not so easy as they look. I am there, and learning that in our own way we're all those little kids who look to someone as if to ask "Is this ok?" Only now I'm old enough to listen. Either way, I just smile and wipe up the table for myself this time. All better.

Time always has a way of healing things, and you learn how to avoid getting the table dirty.

Current Song: The Lights and Buzz
Artist: Jack's Mannequin

Christmas in California
Its hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
Its good to be alive.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post... I often feel that way. I crave the security and wonder and freedom of being a child. But I remember always wanting to be older - couldn't wait to drive, couldn't wait to date, couldn't wait to have money... now, there are days where I don't want to have any responsibility, make any decisions and I just want someone to feed me snack and tell me it's naptime.

    What a great picture too! Made me laugh really hard, thank you!

